Stomppy helper

This class add support for Message module in stomppy default listener. It can be passed directly to Connection.set_listener().

Copyright (C) 2012 CERN

class messaging.stomppy.MessageListener

This class add support for Message module in stomppy default listener. It can be passed directly to Connection.set_listener().


Called by the STOMP connection when a CONNECTED frame is received, that is after a connection has been established or re-established.

param message received from the server.


Called by the STOMP connection when an ERROR frame is received.

param message received from the server.


Called by the STOMP connection when a MESSAGE frame is received.

param message received from the server.

on_connected(headers, body)

Translate standard call to custom one.


Called by the STOMP connection once a TCP/IP connection to the STOMP server has been established or re-established. Note that at this point, no connection has been established on the STOMP protocol level. For this, you need to invoke the “connect” method on the connection.

param host_and_port a tuple containing the host name and port number to which the connection has been established.


Called by the STOMP connection when a TCP/IP connection to the STOMP server has been lost. No messages should be sent via the connection until it has been reestablished.

on_error(headers, body)

Translate standard call to custom one.


Called by the STOMP connection when a heartbeat message has not been received beyond the specified period.

on_message(headers, body)

Translate standard call to custom one.

on_receipt(headers, body)

Translate standard call to custom one.

on_send(headers, body)

Translate standard call to custom one.


Called by the STOMP connection when a RECEIPT frame is received, sent by the server if requested by the client using the ‘receipt’ header.

param message received from the server.


Called by the STOMP connection when it is in the process of sending a message.

param message being sent.

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